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346 WEST 13TH (Brooklyn)

Type in the words ‘Brooklyn Modernist Townhouse’ into your search engine and see what comes up. We did, as we were just tooling around the internet trying to get inspired for another project we have on our boards and Lo and Behold what comes up was in fact our townhouses that we did on 13th Street in the bustling Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. We abhor being a slave to historical details but feel a sane and oft seen approach iis to use the brick typology in a refined and clean modernist manner. These three attached townhouses look both backwards with their high stoops and 3 ½ floors found throughout this part of the city and forwards in respecting the tight jointing and metal detailing found in contemporary construction. [We certainly do not hold a lock on such an approach we just think we pulled it off rather well here.] Between our clean lines and minimalist approach we believe Mies himself is smiling down upon us, happy with our work.

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